The Brilliant Health Benefits Of Baths With Doors

by Bathtime Mobility on January 14, 2015 Comments Off on The Brilliant Health Benefits Of Baths With Doors

The bathroom is the most dangerous place in the home, with more than 80% of all household trips or falls occurring in that one room alone. The slippery surfaces and high requirement of flexibility when entering or leaving the shower or bathtub are the main contributor to these falls, and elderly or infirm people are at much greater risk as they might lack the requirements necessary to successfully enter or leave the bath, and have the disadvantage of increased frailty, meaning that if they do fall, they are more likely to severely hurt themselves.

By installing bath with doors, you can ensure that you, a friend or a relative need not worry about stepping into or out of a bathtub with high sides, and being at risk of slipping or falling and landing yourself in hospital.

Physical Benefits Of Baths With Doors

Along with decreasing the risk of injury whilst entering or leaving the bathtub, enjoying the bath with doors can provide boosts to your physical health as much as the relaxation contributes to your mental health.

  • Soothes Aches And Pains – Warm water increases the blood supply to aching joints and can force the muscles to relax. This is also good for lowering blood sugar, meaning that a good, warm bath every evening might have a positive effect on some types of diabetes.
  • Improves Circulation – The buoyancy and heat of the water, relaxes your muscles and decreases muscle tension, thereby allowing for an improved blood circulation and greater flexibility.
  • Provide Some Relief From Arthritis – The warm water and the water’s buoyancy may also improve wellbeing for those with arthritis, helping to remove inflammatory particles for joint areas and remove pain.
  • Relaxing – The effect of a warm bath being used to relax a person is well-documented, with many people finding a soak in a long bath may relieve headaches including headaches arising from stress or tension.

Mental Benefits

  • Removes Worry – Using baths with doors means that you will never have to worry about stepping in or out of a high-sided bath again. Instead of dreading the moment when you have to try and climb out of the bath and risk slipping on the wet surface or the cold floor as you make the transfer, you can be secure in the knowledge that you only have to open the door and step out.
  • A Better Night’s Sleep – Removing that sense of worry will decrease stress and contribute to a much better night’s sleep. Bathing shortly before you go to sleep can increase your body temperature, which in some cases makes falling asleep easier; meaning you have to spend less time tossing and turning before you finally find a comfortable position.

Bathing in a stress free environment can encourage a greater feeling of wellness in your everyday life.

Baths With Doors From Bathtime Mobility

Here at Bathtime Mobility, we ensure that our customers can enjoy all these fantastic health benefits which accompany baths with doors. We dedicate ourselves to encouraging safe and relaxing bathroom atmospheres and experiences which help to maintain the independence of the elderly or the infirm.

For more information, to request our free colour brochure or for a free home survey on how to increase the accessibility and safety of your bathroom, visit our website, call us on 0800 292 2110 or use our online contact form.

Bathtime MobilityThe Brilliant Health Benefits Of Baths With Doors